We strive to maintain a holistic approach to ensure the entire family unit gets the support needed

No physician referral needed, self referral accepted. 

Our services are offered in either a one-on-one or family/group setting. Our process begins with a free 15-minute consultation where we discuss your family history and identify your current concerns. We will then establish a multi-stage support plan and outline the services/resources available to you and your family. 

Our Multi-Stage Support Process 

It is difficult and overwhelming at times to move from protection to preparation. It's a Child's Life's primary goal is to ease anxiety and manage the entire family unit's needs to enhance quality of life. The approach may include one or some of following support stages:

Full Assessment and Coping Plan Development: In this stage, we meet with the child (either one-on-one or together with the family) to gain a better understanding of the child’s memories, feelings and fears surrounding the current situation. We then outline ways to help the child cope and/or address misconceptions with the issues at hand. This may include therapeutic play intervention and learned coping strategies.

Psychological and Emotional Preparation: This stage includes preparation for a forthcoming medical/dental appointment, surgery, hospitalization, chronic illness diagnosis, death of a loved one, etc. We offer a step-by-step coping process and a wide variety of activities and resources to help your child overcome difficult life events.

Intervention & Support for Stressful Events: This stage includes support during a scheduled medical event or appointment, visiting a loved one in the hospital/hospice or other difficult events for a child. We offer therapeutic and recreational play interventions to ease the child’s fears and anxiety. We also provide optional in-person support on the day of the event. 

Debriefing Post Event: This stage helps us gain insight into how the child and family felt that the visit or procedure went, and helps everyone understand what could be done differently for future child life events. This stage helps the child and family express their feelings in a safe and supportive environment, and helps us identify post-event coping strategies. 

Be Proactive and Prepare for Life’s Challenges

It's a Child's Life encourages our clients to be proactive and, whenever possible, to contact us in advance of obstacles. Being prepared for difficult life events allows our clients to express their feelings/fears, gives them information to develop positive coping strategies and eases anxieties in a relaxed atmosphere prior to stressful life events. 

Remember that children follow the lead of their parents - the calmer you are, the more relaxed your child will be during difficult situations. 

    Shira D. Zipursky, Certified Child Life Specialist | Email: shira@itsachildslife.ca